What do we know from our prior Wabash National Study data?

I am going to cut to the chase here – tonight is the first opportunity for senior students to participate in the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education final phase of data collection.  It all starts at 6 PM in Hanson 102.  Please encourage your senior students to participate.  And remember – tell them that the first 400 participants get a $25 gift card to the Augie bookstore.


Instead of telling you why I think that the Wabash National Study might be so valuable to Augustana College, I thought I’d show you.  Over the course of this year, I’ve written 21 columns; almost all of them trying to help us think about ways that we can use our institutional data to improve what we do.  Nine of these columns examine data that is a part of the Wabash National Study.  Just in case you’ve forgotten, I’ve listed them below and provided links to the full column.



And these columns are only a miniscule sampling of the kinds of questions that could be answered using this dataset.  Moreover, if we can get enough seniors to participate, we could answer these same questions – and many others – within the context of each major.  This is the kind of data that would be gold for anyone thinking about how they can make their major experience the best it possibly can be.


I hope this demonstrates a little bit of why I hope you will help promote this study and encourage your students to participate.  If you have any questions about it, please don’t hesitate to email me.


Make it a great day,

