Sorry – I’m busy collecting data!

This is a potentially massive week for Augustana College.  We are hosting two data collections for the Wabash National Study.  The first one is tonight – Monday, March 26th – from 6-8 PM in Olin Auditorium.  The second is Thursday, March 29th – from 6-8 in Hanson Science 102.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go out of your way to encourage any senior you know to come to one of those two dates.  We still have about 300 $25 gift cards to the Augie bookstore to give away to the seniors who show up.


Frankly, I’ve got nothing else to say at the moment.  Put more honestly, I’ve got not time to write anything right now – I doing everything I can to increase our participation rates that all of you have data that we can use over the next several years.


Yes, I really am “all about you.”


Make it a great day – Make it  Wabash National Study day!

