Metamorphosis is a good thing, right? Let’s say yes, and . . . ! Delicious Ambiguity spent eight years focused on a specific community in a specific context at a specific college. Now, I’m taking this blog out on its own, into the wild, and off on an adventure.
Wanna come along? I hoped that you would!
Make it a good day,
P.S. – For those of you who might know me from the blog I wrote at Augustana College from August 2011 through April 2018, I’ve reposted my unofficial “Au revoir” post below. I had posted it on the original Delicious Ambiguity site to say goodbye to all of the wonderful people who read my blog regularly, but Augustana pulled my last post down after a few days.
So here it is again in its entirety:
It’s not goodbye; it’s yes, and . . .
Hi Everyone,
Goodbyes are always hard to write. On the one hand there’s so much that I want to say, but on the other hand there isn’t that much more to add. On June 5th, Augustana eliminated the position of Director of Institutional Research and Assessment. I spent eight years thrilled to help foster a culture of, as George Kuh called it, positive restlessness. Even though many of you had already embraced this approach to your work long before I arrived, I’d like to think that I helped breathe just a little bit of extra life into that part of the Augustana culture. I was continually humbled by how many of you took what little bit I could offer and turned it into something stunning, and beautiful, and breathtaking to watch. So, in a way, this is exactly what should happen to a role that focused on infusing a value into a culture. Once that value has clearly taken root, it’s time to give the responsibility to keep it alive to the people who live it.
So now it’s up to you to carry on the spirit of getting just a little bit better at what you do the next time that you do it. I know that you will.
I love you all.
Make it a GREAT day,